Granace Capital 888.GRANACE

Why Granace*? There are many approaches to managing your assets, but there are three compelling reasons to choose Granace:


Personalized Solutions

Competitive Pricing


As a Registered Investment Advisor, Granace has no incentive to sell you anything. Rather, we are a fiduciary, and we are completely aligned with you. We never make any income from any investment. We also do not take "possession" of your assets, but rather use Schwab or Altruist as a custodian for securing and investing your funds.

Personalized Solutions

We first consider your needs, goals, and risk tolerance. We don't stamp out solutions like many competitors who simply use turnkey asset management platforms (TAMPs). We may choose to use model portfolios developed by large financial companies for a part of your portfolio,  but the overall approach is a comprehensive custom plan, individually designed for you. We don't employ a wholesale AI approach; we use artificial intelligence to inform and blend our solutions, but never to completely design them.

Competitive Pricing

Although it's true for Granace, too -- "we only do better when you do better" -- we don't emphasize that. We charge based on assets under management (AUM). We aren't afraid to publicize our registered graduated rate tiers, generally well lower than the overall costs involved in actively managed mutual funds:

      Asset Band            Annual Rate 

  $250,000 to $1M            1.20% 

 $1,000,001 to $2M          0.90% 

$2,000,001 to $10M         0.60% 

     $10,000,001 +             0.30%

So, for less than the cost of a managed mutual fund, Granace will provide you with the level of risk with which you are comfortable, in seeking to achieve your needs and goals. 

Financial Planning Services

Granace Capital can also provide financial planning services at an hourly rate. An estimate for total hours and overall costs will be provided to the Client prior to engaging for these services. 

If Granace sounds interesting to you, let's talk.

* Granace is the conjunction of my children's names: Grant and Grace.